Tag Archives: Romance

5 Days Of Christmas Animes!!! Pt. 4

24 Dec

Pt. 4!!!


Vandread Christmas 1

Air Date: December 5, 2000 

Episode: Season 1, Eps. 10  “White Love”

Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Mech, Romance

My Rating: *** (3:5 stars)

Its christmas time on the ship and the women are going all out decorating! Even the captain is in a festive mood dressing up like santa. Just like most things on ship though, only the Womens really know about christmas. The men are clueless to what this holiday means and what it’s about.

Pypro trys to explain what christmas is with no such luck. The only ‘festival’ the men know of was more like war games lol. Head is of course quickly interrupted by Dita who comes flying into then and takes of with Hibiki. In the process of trying to get Hibiki to help getting things ready on the ship for Christmas, they happen to uncover a room that bad been hidden since the colonization times. In it they find a curious movie that the group decides to play throughout the ship. What’s even more curious is what’s on the tape! A man and a woman together! With kids no less! This sends the ship into an uproar. I mean a man and woman together?!? How dare they lol.

Vandread Christmas 2

Meanwhile Parfet is attempting to make a show machine for the big day. Which is not really going well. At this point Hibiki finds out that he is expected to give Dita a gift which leaves him baffled and of course pissed to have to do something to stupid in his mind. Even though head thinks it’s all stupid, he sees that Parfet is having issues with the snow machine and overhears BC saying that the comet they will be passing w have to do for snow this year which gives him an idea. Head heads out into the comet storm to grab some ice. It also happens that Meia is headed out on patrol. Of course bad luck follows and they run into a few enimes in the comets tail.

Back on the ship the rest of the men are learning that ALL of them, not just Hibiki, are expected to give the women they are normally around gifts! This sends then into a slight panic as gift giving is not something they do back on their planet. Dita is running round like a chicken with itself head cut off looking for Hibiki who is still in the comet with Meia fighting the enemy robot things. As the fighting is coming to an end and the countdown for Christmas has started on the ship, a shower of comet particals comes down around the ship looking just like snow.

Vandread Christmas 3

Since Parfet’s snow machine looked like it was a bust, it was a nice substitute! Turns out though that her machines turn on at just the last-minute.
Cute episode overall but it goes quickly. It’s a nice addition to your list though for Christmas animes!


My Time Spent Watching Anime

via my personal anime list on MyAnimeList.net

5 Days Of Christmas Animes!!! Pt. 3

22 Dec

Pt. 3!!!

Chrono Crusade!

Air Date: February 16, 2004

Episode: Season 1, Eps. 12 “Holy Night”

Genre: Romance, Action, Adventure, Drama, Steampunk, Supernatural

My Rating: **** (4:5 stars)

The anime starts off with Sister Rosette saving little Azmaria  from an embarrassing Christmas pageant rehearsal with the other Sisters to head off to a meeting with Sister Kate and Father Ewan. There with Chrono they learn of news that 3 agents have died in SFO from investigations into Aion which leads them to believe something important is going to happen on the west coast or it has already started.

Chrono Crusade Holy Night 1

This of course leads Sister Rosette to beg that they send her to SFO in the hope of finding a lead to her brother Joshua. After a heated debate with Sister Kate, she is finally allowed to go to SFO. She is in such a hurry to leave that she doesn’t realize that everyone is actually sad about her going and on top of it she is leaving before Christmas. Father Ewan asks her to stay for at least Christmas and after seeing the teary eyes of the other Sisters and the ok from Chrono, she decides to stay for Christmas which makes everyone happy. Except for Azmaria who reflects on her past Christmas memories all of which are not happy ones.

Chrono, Rosette and Azmaria are sent into the city to try and get Christmas donations which of course leads to Rosette making an ass of herself like usual and embarrassing everyone else lol. She actually ends up cornering people and in a polite way forcing them to cough up cash. There she runs into Satella who turns out to be filthy rich and donates a wad of cash!

Chrono Crusade Holy Night 2

Azmaria  shortly after springs on the group that she does/doesn’t believe in Santa and that he never visited because she was told she was bad. This shocks everyone and they tell her there is no way she is or was bad. Azmaria realizes at that moment that she has people that care about her she needs to buy gifts for this year! Never having had people to get gifts for she is clueless on where to start. She asks the Sisters for assistance and they get her, well, nowhere! She finally decides to go window shopping in the city to find her gifts.

In the process of her buying a present she had being eyeing for some time for Rosette, she ends up preforming a good deed much to the surprise of the shop owner. Afterwards she runs into Rosette and Chrono who are out delivering toys to the kids in town. During this she starts to realize what Christmas really means.

Chrono Crusade Holy Night 3

The best part of this episode is the end where everyone throws Azmaria  a surprise Christmas party with a huge banquet to show they care. Awww! So cute! :c)

My Time Spent Watching Anime

via my personal anime list on MyAnimeList.net

5 Days Of Christmas Animes!!!

20 Dec

So yeeeeaaaahhhh… It’s been awhile since I have posted on my blog. :c( Too many things going on good and bad, and not enough time for everything which means something’s fell by the wayside. Unfortunately one happened to be my blog. However in light of the upcoming new year (anyone that thinks the world ends Friday the 21st can suck it imo lol!!!) I have resolved to start working on it again. Which in my mind meant it was ok for me to buy myself a tablet on Thanksgiving under the premise that I was going to work on the blog from it and also work on my new shop on Etsy. :c) (Yes that is a shameless plug btw.)

Now that all of that is out of the way. I have decided to keep with the tradition of having my Christmas list of animes list like last years, The 12 Anime Days Of Christmas!!! This year we are going to do the 5 Days Of Christmas Animes!

So without further ado… My first anime for Christmas is…

Itsudatte My Santa!

My Santa

Air Dates: December 7, 2005

Episodes: 2 OVAs

Genre: Magical, Comedy,  Romance

My Rating: **** (4:5 stars)

Ok so let me start by saying that you need to throw out your ideas of Stanta being some jolly rolly polly old man with a beard for this anime. Santa is soooo far from that. Hell I will even give you a bit of a spoiler and tell you that there is more than one Santa. One even really has nothing to do with the north pole, presents and all that jazz.

This anime is cute in the sense that it makes you feel all warm and fluffy on the inside with Christmas joy. Sorry couldn’t keep from gagging while writing on that one lol… Honestly though it is cute. Once you get past the first 5-10 min of bah! humbug-ness in the beginning. Which to tell the truth is more my speed leading up to Christmas day which usually I’m good with. As I said before throw out your notions on what you think Santa is and you will make it through to the end with only a few WTF?!?!’s thrown out there.

Example of a WTF moment is from the beginning of episode 1 in which Santa the main male character (that’s the guy’s name. Really. He was born on Dec. 24th so in light of that his parents named him Santa) explains why he hates explaining his name…

My Santa 1

Cause everyone laughs and rightly they should! What parent names their child Santa?!?!

Besides that, there are other random things thrown out there like the Santa academy where the other main characters are from, magic, a random Japanese gang, Christmas cakes (Yum!), a toy reindeer that transforms, the beach and a crazy Miss Noel that is a teacher at the academy.

My Santa 2

It’s an extremely short OVA with 2 22min episodes with a ‘hint’ at the end of a 3rd that is then thrown out by saying it’s a joke. Which to me is really lame cause they made an awesome fake preview! They cram A LOT into this little anime and it feels a bit rushed at times but overall it’s a good one to watch over the holiday.

My Time Spent Watching Anime

via my personal anime list on MyAnimeList.net


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