Tag Archives: Bleach

Drinking Anime for St. Patrick’s Day!!! (Pt. 2)

17 Mar

Continuing on with the Drinking Anime for St. Patrick’s Day we are now on part 2 covering some of my fav animes and episodes that focus on drinking, drunks and whatnot. :c) This is only a super small list and if I put in ALL of the ones that I like the list would go on and on lol! I also decided to be nice and link some of the YouTube videos for a couple episodes for your viewing pleasure. :c)

Part 2

Top 5 Favorite Drinking Animes/Episodes

#5 Bartender 

I would be remise if I didn’t mention this anime! It follows the story of Ryū Sasakura, a bartender in a hidden away bar in the Giza district called Eden Hall. Eden is a invite only bar that unless you know where it is and are invted you can never find it. Kinda like a speakeasy!


#4 Bleach

Ep. 168, “The New Captain Appears! His Name Is Shūsuke Amagai”

Squard 3 has been without a captain since Gin screwed everyone over and decided to join up with Captain Aizen to turn against the Soul Society. Head captain Yamamoto has noticed the distention on the ranks due to the lack of captains and pulls up Shūsuke Amagai from the patrols. Since has been away from the soul society for so long being on patrol the members of squad 3 don’t trust him (or his right hand man Makoto Kibune). Izuru takes it upon himself, with the help of Rangiku of course, to plane a welcome to squad 3 party. As it turns out Amagai does NOT hold his liquor at all!

Part 1 (the best part is at 8:50 where Rangiku goes and grabs her stash of Sake hidden in Captain Tōshirō’s office!)

Link To YouTube Video

Part 2 (the start of the welcome party leading to Amagai passing out and well I not going to spoil the rest of it :c) )

Link To YouTube Video


#3 Bleach

Ep. 179, “Confrontation!? Amagai vs. Gotei 13”

At the captains meeting Amagai takes the initiative and ask Yamamoto if he may address the rest of the captains about an idea that he has. He proposes that the squads participate in joint training exercise together since he has noticed that there is cooperation within the squads but not will all the squads together. This of course upsets the majority of the captains that scoff at his idea with only captain Ukitake supporting him. Ukitake and Kyōraku decide to take Amagai  to dinner after the captains meeting where he vents his frustration. In his state of depression Amagai decides to drink a cup of sake and its allll down hill from there!

 Drunk Captain Shūsuke Amagai

#2 Azumanga Daioh 

Ep. 3, “Nyamo / Factional Rivalry / Yukari’s Here / Not My Fault / Forever and Ever”

Its not long into the Azumanga Daioh story before you realize that Yukari Tanizaki is not only a bad driver but also an ALCOHOLIC! My favorite episode is when Yukari invites her long time friend/ high school rival/ fellow teacher,  Minamo “Nyamo” Kurosawa, out to the bar after school to get reacquainted with each other and ends up once again being jealous of her since she is the more ‘popular’ teacher. This leads to Yukari trying to make herself more popular the next day at school with her students that fails big time, which then leads to her going to Nyamo’s house were she proceeds to break a present of Nyamos ‘by accident’. Accident my ass… This subsequently leads to them going out to the bar. Again. Where more jealousy ensues and Yukari gets piss ass drunk lol!

Link To YouTube Video

#1 Cowboy Bebop

Ep. 12, “Jupiter Jazz (Part 1)”

Generally any of the episodes are filled with drinking by Spike, Faye and Jet but this episode is one of my favs. Faye has gotten sick after having ran off to Callisto from the Bebop where she stole all the money and the antifreeze from the cooling system. This is where she meets Gren a saxophone player at the Blue Crow. I wont go into what happens to save you from a major spoiler but, I will say that that there is some gender issues and Faye is found handcuffed!

Link To YouTube Video

My Time Spent Watching Anime

via my personal anime list on MyAnimeList.net

Drinking Anime for St. Patrick’s Day!!! (Pt. 1)

12 Mar

In honor of one of my favorite day of drinking, St.Patrick’s Day, I decided to do a two part post dedicated to the best drinking anime, episodes and characters!

Part 1

Top 5 Favorite Anime Characters That Love To Drink

#5. Chū, Yu Yu Hakusho

I swear that the fight with Chū was one of the best at the Dark Tournament! I mean anything that makes me think of Jackie Chan in Drunken Master rocks in my book lol! This dude is a awesome fighter on his own but the minute that he starts to drink his powers/skills increase tenfold. Dude is for sure an alcoholic lol but, no one dare says that to his face.

Best Episode:

31 “Stumbling Warrior”

Chū, Yu Yu Hakusho

#4. Cana Alberona, Fairy Tail

This girl would be awesome to go out drinking with! Not only is she a S-Class Mage but she can also drink all that she wants but never gets drunk! Now that I think about it drinking with her might not be such a good idea… Aside from the massive about of drinking (she generally consumes 30% of Fairy Tales liquor budget) she is one of the more serious members of the guild and often takes on a leadership role. When she is not drinking that is…

Best Episode:

“Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull”

Cana Alberona, Fairy tail

#3. Richard Moore, Case closed

Richard is a former police officer turned private detective who has become one of the most respected PI’s out there! Granted this is only with the assistance of Jimmy Kudo aka Conan Edogawa which is unknown to everyone. Richard is generally drunk, chasing after woman and making his daughter Rachel pickup after him but, thanks to the help of Conan, he has been branded the ‘sleeping detective’ solving some of the most difficult cases that have fallen on his door step.

Best Episode

67 “A Crab and Whale Kidnapping Case”

Richard Moore, Case Closed

#2. Shunsui Kyōraku, Bleach

Shunsui is the caption of the 8th Division and one of the more free spirited, flamboyant captains out there. He is usually seen sleeping, drinking sake, chasing women or chatting it up with his BF Jūshirō Ukitake, the 13th Division captain. The man can hold is liquor and hates confrontation but can fight like no ones business when it calls for it.

Best Episode

37 “Motive of the Fist”

Shunsui Kyōraku, Bleach

#1. Melissa Mao, Full Metal Panic

An ex marine and now the commanding officer of Sousuke and Kurz in Mithril, she commands respect from her subordinates and gets that thanks to her mad skills in electronic warfare and piloting an Arm Slave! She is a loud, crass, a ruthless-cut-throat insulter, and a heavy drinker and smoker. In other words pure awesomeness! I mean a chick that can drink most of the men in Mithril under the table and shoot the shit out of everything?!?! Whats not awesome about that!!! :c)

Best Episode

19 “Engaging Six and Seven”

Melissa Mao, Full Metal Panic

My Time Spent Watching Anime

via my personal anime list on MyAnimeList.net


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