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5 Days Of Christmas Animes!!! Pt. 5

27 Dec

I hope everyone had a happy holiday!!!

Pt. 5!!!


Hetalia Christmas 1

Air Date: August 21, 2009

Episode: S. 2, Eps. 31 “Academy Hetalia Christmas”

Genre: Comedy, Craziness, History

My Rating: **** (4:5 stars)

This post ended up being a bit later then I wanted it to be but better late then never! ;c)

Germany decides to make the next Hetalia Academy Paper be about Christmas around the world. Italy and Japan join in and think it’s a great idea! Italy states for him its all about lights on the mountains, making a turkey and giving gifts to mob bosses. Japan says its about battling the shipping mall with a hint at romance.

Germany, Japan and Italy head off to interview people with America up first to explain his, as the narrator calls it, fat Christmas. He goes on that it’s about shopping, eating and they ‘X’ out the Christ part to mark it extreme! Riiiight…

Next is, as the narrator puts it, ‘Christmas in Godless Russia’. Russia starts in on the cold weather in Russia and that they tell a more pagan based story about father frost and he uses witchcraft is you make dolls of him and they start moving after 25days… China says tree are illegal and they started celebrating it when Hong Kong introduced it.

Hetalia Christmas 2

The narrator really cracks me up with the extra comments and France was no exception by calling it ‘Gay Christmas’ (remember people Hetalia pokes fun at EVERYONE!!! So try not to take offence :c). France goes on to think that everyone wants to spend Christmas ‘with’ him which Germany gives a hearty hell no to. He then explains that Frances Christmas contains the romance and culture that Germany lacks. They get Santa drunk on wine and everyone joins him. Japan is baffled that they let him get drunk and drive around giving out presents to kids.

Hetalia Chirstmas 3

Finland is the last one they interview and he is a bit ummm, out there. Finland explains that its all about being naked and in a hot sauna. The family gets together and they burn wood in small rooms to make steam boxes. He also throws in that there is a bit of a pagan twist to their celebration with fortune telling about the new year which for some odd reason excites Germany.

Hetalia Christmas 4

As they are getting ready to write the paper, Italy ask Germany about his Christmas. He says that their Christmas Markets are famous all over and that they like to eat and get drunk like everyone else. German then gets a bit embarrassed and asked Japan and Italy if there have plans for Christmas which both say they don’t. Of course Italy says it with his usual flair lol. As they walk off Germany points out that it’s the same group together for the holiday again this year and Japan proclaims that it is going to be very uncomfortable.

Hetalia Chirstmas 5

The finally scene is Japan cornering Britain to ask him about his Christmas as Britain is cowering away from him lol. Oh Hetalia you crack me up every time!

My Time Spent Watching Anime

via my personal anime list on

5 Days Of Christmas Animes!!! Pt. 2

21 Dec

Pt. 2!!!

Yuru Yuri!

Yuru Yuri Christmas 1

Air Date: August 16, 2011

Episode: Season 1, Eps. 7 “Christmasery”

Genre: Yuri, Comedy,  Slice Of Life, Craziness

My Rating: *** (3:5 stars)

This Christmas episode of Yuru Yuri starts with the usual flair of Kyōko busting into the clubhouse in a Santa suit. Mind you its 1 week before Christmas proving to everyone that she really is off her rocker a bit. Since Christmas in Japan is more of a romantic holiday then anything, she suggests that they all go out on dates since everyone else will be on them. This of course leads to massive tension on who will be with who…

Kyōko suggest they have a lotto to draw numbers and whoever has the same numbers are paired up. More tension ensues while everyone is wishing to be with who they wanted and steaming over the idea of being with someone they don’t want lol. Like Ayano and Yui.

As the girls set off on their dates, some willingly and others not so much, they end up all over town. Not to give away too much but one couple goes to the movies and arcade, another to a couple cafes, with yet another to a restaurant and the last couple sit in the park. Most of the dates stared off w lots of grumbling but by the end of them they were actually getting along with a couple of them even having fun! They all meet up in the park at the end of their dates. Awww so cute!

Yuru Yuri Christmas 2

There is a VERY quick cut to the new years from the park and each girl is celebrating with their families and reading the news years cards from their friends. All of them were cute and nice with the exception on Chinatsu’s cards which were well her standard dark and un-artistic products that she generally produces lol.

Yuru Yuri Chirstmas 3

Overall it’s a cute episode that showed more of the romantic lovey dovey side to Christmas that you see in Japan instead of the more religious side in the west.

My Time Spent Watching Anime

via my personal anime list on

Drinking Anime for St. Patrick’s Day!!! (Pt. 2)

17 Mar

Continuing on with the Drinking Anime for St. Patrick’s Day we are now on part 2 covering some of my fav animes and episodes that focus on drinking, drunks and whatnot. :c) This is only a super small list and if I put in ALL of the ones that I like the list would go on and on lol! I also decided to be nice and link some of the YouTube videos for a couple episodes for your viewing pleasure. :c)

Part 2

Top 5 Favorite Drinking Animes/Episodes

#5 Bartender 

I would be remise if I didn’t mention this anime! It follows the story of Ryū Sasakura, a bartender in a hidden away bar in the Giza district called Eden Hall. Eden is a invite only bar that unless you know where it is and are invted you can never find it. Kinda like a speakeasy!


#4 Bleach

Ep. 168, “The New Captain Appears! His Name Is Shūsuke Amagai”

Squard 3 has been without a captain since Gin screwed everyone over and decided to join up with Captain Aizen to turn against the Soul Society. Head captain Yamamoto has noticed the distention on the ranks due to the lack of captains and pulls up Shūsuke Amagai from the patrols. Since has been away from the soul society for so long being on patrol the members of squad 3 don’t trust him (or his right hand man Makoto Kibune). Izuru takes it upon himself, with the help of Rangiku of course, to plane a welcome to squad 3 party. As it turns out Amagai does NOT hold his liquor at all!

Part 1 (the best part is at 8:50 where Rangiku goes and grabs her stash of Sake hidden in Captain Tōshirō’s office!)

Link To YouTube Video

Part 2 (the start of the welcome party leading to Amagai passing out and well I not going to spoil the rest of it :c) )

Link To YouTube Video


#3 Bleach

Ep. 179, “Confrontation!? Amagai vs. Gotei 13”

At the captains meeting Amagai takes the initiative and ask Yamamoto if he may address the rest of the captains about an idea that he has. He proposes that the squads participate in joint training exercise together since he has noticed that there is cooperation within the squads but not will all the squads together. This of course upsets the majority of the captains that scoff at his idea with only captain Ukitake supporting him. Ukitake and Kyōraku decide to take Amagai  to dinner after the captains meeting where he vents his frustration. In his state of depression Amagai decides to drink a cup of sake and its allll down hill from there!

 Drunk Captain Shūsuke Amagai

#2 Azumanga Daioh 

Ep. 3, “Nyamo / Factional Rivalry / Yukari’s Here / Not My Fault / Forever and Ever”

Its not long into the Azumanga Daioh story before you realize that Yukari Tanizaki is not only a bad driver but also an ALCOHOLIC! My favorite episode is when Yukari invites her long time friend/ high school rival/ fellow teacher,  Minamo “Nyamo” Kurosawa, out to the bar after school to get reacquainted with each other and ends up once again being jealous of her since she is the more ‘popular’ teacher. This leads to Yukari trying to make herself more popular the next day at school with her students that fails big time, which then leads to her going to Nyamo’s house were she proceeds to break a present of Nyamos ‘by accident’. Accident my ass… This subsequently leads to them going out to the bar. Again. Where more jealousy ensues and Yukari gets piss ass drunk lol!

Link To YouTube Video

#1 Cowboy Bebop

Ep. 12, “Jupiter Jazz (Part 1)”

Generally any of the episodes are filled with drinking by Spike, Faye and Jet but this episode is one of my favs. Faye has gotten sick after having ran off to Callisto from the Bebop where she stole all the money and the antifreeze from the cooling system. This is where she meets Gren a saxophone player at the Blue Crow. I wont go into what happens to save you from a major spoiler but, I will say that that there is some gender issues and Faye is found handcuffed!

Link To YouTube Video

My Time Spent Watching Anime

via my personal anime list on


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